These unique greeting cards are completely customizable for your family. Choose your cover and message from the selections provided and then let us know who you will be sending them to. Each card is designed for coloring and the font is traceable so kids can learn to read, spell and write while preparing holiday cards for their family and friends!
Let your kids have fun while helping with your Christmas tasks!
Special Bonus** buy 4, get 2 free for $24.00 (save $12 with this bundle)
Plus! When you order 6 cards you get a box of 8 markers. Each card set comes with 6 cards, 6 envelopes.
Frank & Gingy
Each card and envelope is 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches.
Printed when ordered by JYNMedia.
WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD: the markers contain small parts and are not for children under 3 years.
Please allow up to 2 weeks for shipping.