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I'm Jennifer.  

See that little girl to the left?  (Yep, the one in the picture that was actually taken in black and white!)  

That's me living my best life - by the ocean,

happy-go-lucky, spending time with my favorite people.

I hope my writing makes you feel like she does. I want to give you a few laughs and a lot of happy endings. I want to help you live your best life. 



Welcome to my worlds.  

I'm so glad you're here...

There is a popular question among personal and professional development experts advising us on how to claim the life we want:

What is Your Why?

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I like to read almost as much as I like to write. I have a wonderful group of friends and a terrific family.


My favorite past time is spending time with my son, Jackson, even if it’s just to see how many times I can make him roll his eyes at me.

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Understand that

Your Stories Matter

They need to be told. They teach. They inspire. They thrill. They entertain.

They show the people in your life how deeply you loved and how deeply you are loved.  So my request is, tell your stories.

Check out the latest Blog Post from Jennifer Rawls

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